METI Response to Demands Submitted by Dr. KANG Jungmin

[Translated from Japanese] [March 13, 2006]

METI officials responded along the following lines to the demands of Dr. Kang and five Japanese organizations. They promised to consider providing a written response to demands 1 through 3.

Response to 1:
Mr. Shinichi Mizumoto, Planning Officer (responsible for international nuclear energy issues), Nuclear Energy Policy Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI:
The MOX issue is only one aspect of the holistic measures which consist of safeguards, physical protection, etc. We object to it being taken up independently. Since precautions are taken to prevent theft, I cannot respond to the question regarding the different degree of concern between MOX and plutonium oxide in the case of theft. Since we ensure that it won’t be stolen, the question “what if it is stolen” doesn’t arise. We do not have any arguments against the views in the IAEA Safeguards Glossary.
Response to 2:
Mr. Takuto Miyamoto, Chief Official, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Industry Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI:
It is up to the companies to decide whether they will first use the plutonium held in Europe or the plutonium separated at Rokkasho. This is not something for the government to dictate. The concept of surplus plutonium is not a quantitative one.
[The question was posed, “METI would not call the plutonium surplus even if it increases to 100 tons, or 200 tons, or 300 tons, as the power companies say they will use it eventually?”]
As long as there is a utilization plan, it is not surplus. But this shouldn’t be interpreted to mean that it would not be considered surplus even if it reached 10,000 tons.
Response to 3:
Mr. Shinichi Mizumoto, Planning Officer (responsible for international nuclear energy issues), Nuclear Energy Policy Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI:
Japan is also doing research into new reprocessing technologies, so there is no inconsistency.
Response regarding the reply to Congressman Markey, et al.:
Mr. Shinichi Mizumoto, Planning Officer (responsible for international nuclear energy issues), Nuclear Energy Policy Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI:
The Ambassador has replied to Congressman Markey, et al. You have therefore addressed your demands to the wrong place.
[Akira Kawasaki, Co-Director of Peace Boat, who attended the meeting with METI stated the Ambassador’s reply was not considered adequate. (Peace Boat is one of the five organizations having submitted the demands to METI.)]

Translated by Kakujoho, Green Action, and Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center.