Japan Must Learn from the Lessons of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Green Action Press Release

Japan Must Learn from the Lessons of the
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident

11 March 2013

For immediate release
Contact: Aileen Mioko Smith +81-90-3620-9251

150,000 people remain displaced as a result of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident which began on 11 March 2011, and the reality of this nuclear disaster is still reported daily in the news. In spite of this, on January 30th, the new Shinzo Abe administration announced that it would scrap the former government’s plans to phase out nuclear power during the 2030’s, and would deliberate on the issue “from scratch,” completely negating the public debate undertaken by the national government last summer.[1] The current national government must listen to the will of the Japanese people.

On November 26th last year, the Japanese government received a harsh warning concerning its handling of the Fukushima accident from the UN Special Rapporteur advising the UN Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly, concerning rights to physical and mental health.[2] Now, more than three months since the report, none of these serious concerns have been dealt with. The Japanese government must address these issues immediately before the final report is to be presented to the Human Rights Council in June 2013.

The national standard for radiation exposure is 1mSV/year. Citizens, especially families with young children, living in areas contaminated by radiation due to the Fukushima accident who are anticipated to receive levels of exposure beyond this national standard should have the right to evacuate, in other words, they should receive government support if they choose to relocate.[3]

A comprehensive compensation regime must be established immediately for those that have been displaced or who have suffered economic damage due to the accident.

In spite of the fact that the The National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission (NAIIC), appointed by the national Diet, found that the accident was clearly man-made[4], there has as yet been no investigation or criminal prosecution of individuals who held official capacities in TEPCO, the government, and other institutes whose decisions lead to the Fukushima accident. This situation must be ameliorated immediately.

The Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) passed nuclear power accident evacuation guidelines on 27 February. Japan’s national broadcasting corporation NHK reported that whereas over 3155 public comments were submitted on the draft, they all went virtually unheeded. According to NHK, the comments addressed such issues as over-restricted distribution of potassium iodine, and the need to lower radiation levels set to trigger evacuation plans. Nuclear regulation continues to be opaque and/or not responsive to public input.

Emergency evacuation plans being prepared in Japan cannot cope with a serious nuclear power accident. On 31 March, Shunichi Tanaka, chairman of the NRA, hinted that a legal framework should be put in place whereby nuclear power plants cannot operate without evacuation plans[5].

The government states categorically that MACCS2, the radiation dispersal model currently being used in the event of an accident, is inaccurate beyond 30 kilometers. However, at the same time, the NRA’s recently issued standards that would trigger distribution of stable iodine, food restrictions, and temporary evacuation if and when environmentally-monitored radiation levels exceed 20 microsieverts/hour. Areas of Fukushima City located 60 kilometers from the Fukushima Daiichi reached levels in excess of this standard during the Fukushima accident.

Local governments responsible for areas within 30-some kilometers of a nuclear power plan have been ordered by the Japanese national government to submit evacuation plans by March18th. The historic capital of Japan, Kyoto City, is one of them. Kyoto Prefecture officials admit that in the event of a large nuclear power accident emergency, some type of measures may need to be taken 50 to 60 kilometers from the plant. This would include areas in Kyoto including the Old Imperial Palace, the world-famous Golden Pavilion, the international conference hall where the Kyoto Protocol was signed, and Kyoto City Hall itself.

The emergency plans being formulated this month do not include countermeasures in the event of radioactive contamination of Lake Biwa ,which provides water to 14.5 million citizens in the Kansai region of Japan. The northern end of Lake Biwa is located 28 kilometers from nuclear power plants in Fukui Prefecture.[6]

The Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 and 4 continue to operate without new post-Fukushima nuclear safety standards in place.[7] (These standards are to be put in place in July this year.) It is of great concern that reactors at Ohi are operating in violation of seismic safety guidelines that were put in place before Fukushima, on 20 December 2011. The guidelines state that if an active fault is suspected to exist under a nuclear power plant site, no important facility at the site could be located above it. (The emergency cooling pipes for Ohi Units 3 and 4 cross such a fault.) In July, NRA appointed an expert committee to investigate the site. None of the experts have stated the fault is not active. Has Japan really learned from the Fukushima accident if it does not even comply with its own seismic safety guidelines put in place before Fukushima? Ohi Units 3 and 4 should be shut down immediately.

The verdict on a lawsuit seeking a provisional injunction to shut down Ohi Units 3 and 4 filed against Kansai Electric by 262 citizens[8] will be handed down the end of March or beginning of April. Depending on the verdict, Ohi could be ordered shut before its scheduled outage in September.

[1]28 August 2012, Reuters.(In Japanese.) http://jp.reuters.com/article/topNews/idJPTYE87R05W20120828 Citizens were given a choice of zero, 15% and 30% nuclear power (percentage of total electricity production) by 2030, and 90% responded “zero.” The most recent poll indicates 68% want to phase out of nuclear power. http://www.kahoku.co.jp/spe/spe_sys1115/20130224_02.htm

[2]26, November 2011, UN Special Rapporteur’s Press Statement 
Press Release 12-058-E 26/11/2012. http://unic.or.jp/unic/press_release/2869/#entry-english

[3]20 August 2011, IPPNW statement, “International physicians’ recommendations for protecting health after the Fukushima nuclear disaster” states, “People living in contaminated regions should have access to full information on their likely radiation exposures and supported in all possible ways to minimize these. For those with anticipated annual exposure greater than 5 mSv, or more than 1mSv for children and women of child-bearing age, equitable and consistent access to health care, housing, employment and educational support and compensation should be provided if they choose to re-locate.”

[4]20 August 2011, IPPNW statement, “International physicians’ recommendations for protecting health after the Fukushima nuclear disaster” states, “People living in contaminated regions should have access to full information on their likely radiation exposures and supported in all possible ways to minimize these. For those with anticipated annual exposure greater than 5 mSv, or more than 1mSv for children and women of child-bearing age, equitable and consistent access to health care, housing, employment and educational support and compensation should be provided if they choose to re-locate.”

[5]1 November 2012, Sankei Shinbun (in Japanese) http://sankei.jp.msn.com/affairs/news/121101/dst12110108240001-n1.htm

[6]Much closer if water sources flowing into Lake Biwa are taken into consideration.

[7]Kansai Electric’s nuclear power plant (PWR) located in Fukui Prefecture. Ohi Units 3 and 4 resumed commercial operation on 5 July and 21 July of 2011, respectively.

[8]The executive director of Green Action, Aileen Mioko Smith, is co-chief plaintiff along with Hideyuki Koyama of Mihama-no-Kai based in Osaka.

Download: Japan Must Learn from the Lessons of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident (PDF)

Letters sent to countries potentially on the route of the imminent MOX (plutonium uranium mixed oxide) fuel shipment from France to Japan, the first since the Fukushima accident.

A plutonium fuel shipment from France to Japan is scheduled to depart early April 2013. If it takes place, it would be the first plutonium shipment from Europe to Japan since the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. Many nations’ coastal waters could be on the route of the shipment. The route remains secret. Only two reactors are operating in Japan. None of the potential reactors the fuel is destined for have been granted permission to restart operations.

Letters sent to countries potentially on the route of the MOX fuel shipment (PDF)


MOX Fuel Shipment 2009: Issues and Controversies–Presented to the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan 
by Aileen Mioko Smith (Executive Director of Green Action), 15 May 2009, page 8, “Japan Ignores International Calls for Shipment Safety”

“Areva plans 1st nuclear fuel shipment to Japan since Fukushima”, Reuters, 4 March 2013

“Fukushima Nuclear Disaster – Public Health Lessons and Challenges”

“Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
– Public Health Lessons and Challenges”

What are the health consequences of the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident on children, power plant workers and the whole country. What measures are being taken in Fukushima in terms of health effect measures. What lessons must be learned from the processes after the accident. What measures should be taken now to prevent further health effects. In this context, what is the role of those within the medical field.

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), who received The Noble Peace Awarded in 1985, will hold their 20th IPPNW World Congress in Hiroshima will take place between August 24th – 26th.
In conjunction with the 20th IPPNW World Congress, the symposium will include doctors and those in the medical field. Key speakers from Japan will also present overviews of the public health situation and ongoing challenges of coping with the Fukushima disaster. The panelists from IPPNW will discuss the lessons to be learned and the issues we must face in the future with an international perspective.
■Date/Time: 27 August, 2012 (Door Opens 18:00) 18:15 – 20:30
■Place: Hibiya Tosho Bunkakan Hall, Hibiya Park, Tokyo
■Language: English/Japanese translations
■Participation Fee: 1,000 at the door for those who reside in Japan.
Please complete your registration by August 25th. Please send an email to the following account : fukushima.symposium@gmail.com.
1. Current Issues and Reports
Ms. SAKIYAMA, Hisako
Medical Doctor, PhD; Former Chief of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS); Member of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission (a commission of the Japanese National Diet)

Minamata Kyoritsu Hospital, Kyoritsu Neuorology and Rehabilitation Clinic (Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture) http://www.kyouritsu-cl.com/

Dr. Takaoka has researched health effect of methylmercury in Minamata.
He has compared the medical, psychological, and social situation between
Minamata disease and the Fukushima nuclear accident and has written a paper on this theme. “How should we assess the effects of environmental
pollution on people’s health?: The 2011 nuclear disaster has extensive parallels on Minamata disease affair.”

MA, PhD, Professor, School of Environmental and Social Research, Kyoto Seika University; Co-chair, Greenpeace Japan; Co-chair, Pacific-Asia Resource Center (PARC); Board Director, The Takagi Fund for Citizen Science. Member of an independent project of radiation monitoring and remediation trials.

Member of the House of Councillors. The Shigakkan University, Chair of the Board / President. After the severe accident at the Fukushima Nuclear power plant, she took a post in the DPJ’s project team dealing with the accident. She has coped with a lot of problems, for example supporting the victims, clearing up the cause of that accident, and the denuclearization. June this year, she and her colleagues made a new law that aim to support the victims (especially children). After that, in July, she left the DPJ, and established a new party with three female law makers, that is called the “Green Wind Party”.

2. Civil Activity Reports
IWATA Wataru, Citizens’ Radiation Measuring Station
MITSUTA Kanna, FoE-Japan

3. Panel Discussion

-Dr. Angelika CLAUSSEN, former IPPNW president Germany
Dr. Claussen has worked extensively in the field of the health
impact of radiation.

-Dr. Peter KARAMOSKOS, IPPNW Australia Nuclear radiologist; public representative, Australia’s national radiation regulator; written and spoken widely on Fukushima and other radiation health issues; MAPW Australia; ICAN treasurer

-Dr. Jeffrey PATTERSON, US, president-elect of Physicians for Social Responsiblity (PSR) Professor of Family Medicine at University of Wisconsin

-Ms. SAKIYAMA, Hisako
-Dr. TAKAOKA, Shigeru
-Ms. TANIOKA Ikuko

– Dr. Tilman Ruff; Regional Vice President ― SOUTHEAST ASIA / PACIFIC Victoria, Australia
– Aileen Mioko Smith; Green Action
■Fukushima Inspection Tour (Hosted by PANW):
For Information regarding the Fukushima tour, please view the Fukushima Inspection Tour home page http://hodanren.doc-net.or.jp/ippnw/
*The deadline for this tour has been extended to July 31st
■The symposium is co-sponsored by:
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War-Germany Medical Association for Prevention of War
Indian Doctors for Peace and Development
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Medact (IPPNW-UK)
Physicians for Social Responsibility (IPPNW-USA)
■Along with
Green Action
Greenpeace Japan
Peace Boat
For the success of the symposium, we kindly ask for your donation
(individuals/organizations share in the donation starting from 10,000). The name of the individual or an organization will be noted on
our home page.
■Bank account information:
Account Number:00180-3-177458
Account Name: Peace Boat (ピースボート)
*Please note “Fukushima Symposium” on the correspondence column
Contact:Peace Boat
B1, 3-13-1 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku, Tokyo
169-0075, Japan
TEL: 03-3362-6307
FAX: 03-3362-6309

*For detailed information please visit:

support for our appeal to Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihiko Noda and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

An Appeal from Japan to worldwide civil organizations concerning stabilization of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel.

We ask your support for our appeal to Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihiko Noda and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

To civil organizations around the world:
Please support this effort by endorsing our letter to Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon dated 30 April 2012.
Deadline: 20 May 2012
Please send endorsement to: info@greenaction-japan.org
(Please include city and country of your organization.)

For full text of letter/endorsements/signatories, see: http://wp.me/p1FMPy-B6

We Japanese civil organizations* express our deepest concern that our government does not inform its citizens about the extent of risk of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool. Given the fact that collapse of this pool could potentially lead to catastrophic consequences with worldwide implications, what the Japanese government should be doing as a responsible member of the international community is to avoid any further disaster by mobilizing all the wisdom and the means available in order to stabilize this pool.
It is clearly evident that Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool is no longer a Japanese issue but an international issue with potentially serious consequences. Therefore, it is imperative for the Japanese government and the international community to work together on this crisis before it becomes too late. We are appealing to the United Nations to help Japan and the planet in order to prevent the irreversible consequences of a catastrophe that could affect generations to come. We are sending an urgent request to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihiko Noda as follows:

  • The United Nations should organize a Nuclear Safety Summit to take up the crucial problem of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool.
  • The United Nations should establish an independent assessment team on Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 and coordinate international assistance in order to stabilize the unit’s spent nuclear fuel pool and prevent radiological consequences with potentially catastrophic consequences.

30 April 2012
*72 Japanese civil organizations have signed this petition (as of 30 April 2012)

Shut Tomari (Japan)
1-2, 6-4 Higashisapporo, Shiroishi-ku, Sapporo 003-0006 Japan
TEL: +81-90-26951937 FAX:+81-11-826-3796 email: kaori-izumi@ta3.so-net.ne.jp
Green Action (Japan)
Suite 103, 22-75 Tanaka Sekiden-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8203 Japan
Tel: +81-75-701-7223 Fax: +81-75-702-1952 email: info@greenaction-japan.org

Press Release: Coalition Sends Urgent Request for UN Intervention to Stabilize the Fukushima Unit 4 Spent Nuclear Fuel

Press Release——Fukushima

Coalition Sends Urgent Request for UN Intervention to Stabilize
the Fukushima Unit 4 Spent Nuclear Fuel

For immediate release: 2 May 2012

Kyoto, Japan―On 30 April, seventy-two Japanese NGO organizations lead by Shut Tomari and Green Action send an urgent request to the UN and Japanese government urging immediate action to stabilize the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel. The letter was endorsed by experts from Japan and abroad.

The letter warned that the seriously damaged Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool contains Cesium-137 (Cs-137) that is equivalent to 10 times the amount released at the time of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. If an earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain, this could result in a catastrophic radiological fire.

The letter urged the United Nations to organize a Nuclear Safety Summit to take up the crucial problem of the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool. The letter stated that the United Nations should establish an independent assessment team on Fukushima Daiichi Unit 4 and coordinate international assistance in order to stabilize the unit’s spent nuclear fuel and prevent radiological consequences with potentially catastrophic consequences.
Letters were sent to both UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, the latter asking that Japan ask immediately for the UN’s help.

Nearly all of the 10,893 spent fuel assemblies at the Fukushima Daiichi plant sit in pools vulnerable to future earthquakes, with roughly 85 times more long-lived radioactivity than released at Chernobyl.

Kaori Izumi of Shut Tomari stated, “Fukushima Daiichi is no longer a Japanese issue but is an international issue. It is imperative for the Japanese government and the international community to work together on this crisis before it becomes too late.”

Nuclear experts from the US and Japan such as Arnie Gundersen, Robert Alvarez, Hiroaki Koide, Masashi Goto, and Mitsuhei Murata, a former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland, and, Akio Matsumura, a former UN diplomat have continually warned against the high risk of the Fukushima Unit 4 spent nuclear fuel pool.

Shut Tomari and Green Action are seeking endorsements from civil organizations abroad (deadline 20 May). More Japanese civil organizations are expected to sign on in addition to the seventy-two organizations. (Deadline for signatures: 20 May.)

For full text of letter/endorsements/signatories, see: http://wp.me/p1FMPy-B6

Press release issued by:
Shut Tomari (Japan),
1-2, 6-4 Higashisapporo, Shiroishi-ku, Sapporo 003-0006 Japan
TEL: +81-90-2695-1937 FAX: +81-11-826-3796 email: kaori-izumi@ta3.so-net.ne.jp
Green Action (Japan),
Suite 103, 22-75 Tanaka Sekiden-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8203 Japan
Tel: +81-75-701-7223 Fax: +81-75-702-1952 email: info@greenaction-japan.org

Opposing Japan-Vietnam Nuclear Cooperation Agreement in Promotion of Nuclear Export

October 31, 2011

Opposing Japan-Vietnam Nuclear Cooperation Agreement in Promotion of Nuclear Export

~What must be exported instead is learning from Fukushima experience and not life-threatening nuclear power plants~

While Fukushima nuclear accident is yet to be brought under control, the fallout of radioactive material continues to contaminate the earth, nature and sea of Japan. Countless number of people including those in Fukushima is suffering from the crisis and devastation of their lives. And yet, the causes of the accident have not been fully investigated.

At the moment, Japan-Vietnam nuclear cooperation agreement is being signed to take another steps further to promote Japan’s nuclear export.

Presently in Vietnam, Japanese taxpayer-funded feasibility studies are being carried out for nuclear power plant construction in Ninh Thuan Province. The outcome of these studies, however, has not been committed for a full disclosure to the citizens of Vietnam and taxpayers in Japan.

The planned site for the plant in Vietnam is a land of scenic beauty, where residents make their living by fishery, farming and tourism. Thus, the construction will unquestionably threaten the lives of those depend on this land.

In case of another accident, radioactive contamination will reach Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and other neighboring countries of Vietnam. Just as the Governments of Japan and Vietnam have not fulfilled their accountability to their respective citizens, they have not even begun to fulfill their accountability to those in these neighboring countries.

We, the women gathered at the Ministry of Economy traveling from Hokkaido in the north and Kyushu in the south as well as the citizens deeply concerned with nuclear export, are vehemently against Japanese government’s nuclear export. What must be exported instead is a critical learning through pain and suffering in Fukushima and NOT nuclear power plants.

Based on the above, we demand the following from the governments of Japan and Vietnam.

  • The Japanese government must clearly state a policy of non-nuclear export.
  • The Japanese government must not waste any more tax for the purpose of nuclear export.
  • The Japanese and Vietnam governments must terminate feasibility studies currently being conducted.
  • The Japanese and Vietnam governments must fulfill their accountability to the citizens of neighboring countries.

Women across Japan for No More Nuclear Power / Friends of the Earth Japan / Green Action / Mekong Watch / No Nukes Asia Forum Japan / e-shift (Association for Nuclear Power Phase-out and New Energy Policies) / SuiGenRen (National Coordinating Committee for Water Resources Development Issues) / NINDJA (Network for Indonesian Democracy, Japan) / Mihama-no-Kai (Osaka Citizens Against the Mihama, Oi, and Takahama Nuclear Power Plants) / Fukurou-no-Kai (The Citizens Against Fukushima Aging Nuclear Power Plants) / Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation / Fukushima Nuclear Crisis Emergency Action Network / Tatebayashi Citizens’ network for Climate-Change / Action In Front Of TEPCO

Contact: Kanna Mitsuta / 090-6142-1807

Opposing Japan-Vietnam Nuclear Cooperation Agreement in Promotion of Nuclear Export (PDF)

Fukushima Citizens Challenge Symposium on Radiation and Health Risks – Hold Press Conference at Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan

From FCCJ’s site:
Nakate, Aoki, Smith & Iwata, Voice of Fukushima Citizens

Time: 2011 Sep 09 15:30 – 16:30
Press Conference
Seiichi Nakate, Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation
Kazumasa Aoki, Citizens Against Fukushima Aging Nuclear Power Plants
Aileen Mioko Smith, Green Action
Wataru Iwata, Executive Director, Project 47

On Sept. 11-12, 30 radiation and health experts from 14 countries will gather in Fukushima Prefecture for a Nippon Foundation-sponsored symposium on the health risks faced by Fukushima residents. But the symposium has drawn fire from local residents who note Fukushima citizens will not be allowed to directly attend the proceedings, which are ostensibly being held for their benefit.

See below for materials distributed at the FCCJ press conference.

Open Letter of Inquiry to the Organizing Committee for the International Expert Symposium in Fukushima ― Radiation and Health Risks (PDF)
September 10, 2011

Agreement Between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization (PDF)

Urine Analysis Result of Fukushima Children (PDF)
Citizens Against Fukushima Aging Nuclear Power Plants
Radioactivity Monitoring Project
Kazumasa Aoki

Violation of the Human Rights of the Children of Fukushima (PDF)

PSR Statement on the Increase of Allowable Dose of Ionizing Radiation to Children in Fukushima Prefecture:

Fukushima Prefecture’s “Prefectural People’s Health Management Survey” (PDF)

The Fukushima-Daiichi Accident
-Questions of Motives of International Bodies Attending the Nippon Foundation Symposium
Authors: Shaun Burnie and Frank Barnaby

Beyond Nuclear Press Release (PDF)
Japanese Fukushima eye-witnesses to speak in New York about disaster aftermath Delegation calls for an end to nuclear power in Japan and globally

Fukushima Eyewitnesses to Visit New York, Challenge UN to Stop Its Promotion of Nuclear Power

As the nuclear crisis precipitated by the 2011 Great Eastern Earthquake unfolded, spewing radioactive material across northern Japan, Sachiko Sato of Fukushima sent her three children away to safety while she stayed behind. With clear information about fallout and radiation levels in short supply from the government, other families inside and outside the evacuation zones faced similar separation. Businesses continued as usual despite rising radiation levels, so parents, often fathers, were forced to stay at work as the wives and children left for Tokyo or western Japan.

While Sato’s children worried about their classmates who remained in Fukushima, the Japanese government, rather than arrange for wider evacuation, raised the legal radiation limit by 20 times. The new limit: 20 mSv per year, equivalent to some countries’ maximum-allowed dose for nuclear workers.

Meanwhile, Sato’s organic farm in Fukushima faced contamination from the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. Many farmers like her may never be able to return to their land, and those who can grow untainted food are challenged with trying to sell it to a fearful public confused by lax government testing and regulation.

Sato and her 13- and 17-year-old children, Yuuki and Mina, plan to share their stories in New York City this month at a presentation with anti-nuclear activists. The Satos will talk about poor evacuation operations, the splitting of families and the impact of the nuclear meltdowns to lives and livelihoods.

Joining the Sato family are Yukiko Anzai, who will talk about the fate of farmers after the meltdowns, and activists Kaori Izumi, Aileen Mioko Smith and Kevin Kamps.

Kaori Izumi, director of Shut Tomari, will discuss the unhealthy and corrupting relationship between government, business, the media and pro-nuclear intellectuals and the judiciary. Aileen Mioko Smith, Executive Director of Green Action and a veteran anti-nuclear campaigner in Japan, will discuss her petition to the UN High Commission on Human Rights to recognize and address the plight of children in the Fukushima region. Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear will describe the “Freeze our Fukushimas” campaign, a first step in shutting down reactors in the U.S. identical to those at Fukushima Daiichi.

The organizers timed the meeting to coincide with a United Nations meeting that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon is holding in response to the Fukushima catastrophe. The organizers hope that by drawing the UN’s attention to the human suffering caused by nuclear power, they can convince the UN to stop promoting its use.


Thursday, September 22, 12–2pm.
Brown bag lunch recommended. Soft drinks will be available.


American Friends Service Committee Meetinghouse
15 Rutherford Place between 15th and 16th Streets, and 2nd and 3rd Avenues
New York City


If you plan to attend, please email Kevin Kamps at Beyond Nuclear: Kevin@beyondnuclear.org.

For more information, call 301.270.2209 to speak to Kevin Kamps or Linda Gunter.


Sachiko Sato, an organic farmer from Fukushima and her 13- and 17-year old children, Yuuki and Mina, will talk about poor evacuation operations, the splitting of families and the impact of the nuclear meltdowns to lives and livelihoods.

Kaori Izumi, director of Shut Tomari, Hokkaido, Japan, will discuss the unhealthy and corrupting relationship between government, business, the media and pro-nuclear intellectuals and the judiciary.

Yukiko Anzai, from near Tomari, Hokkaido, will talk about the fate of farmers after the meltdowns.

Aileen Mioko Smith, Executive Director of Green Action and a veteran anti-nuclear campaigner in Japan will discuss her petition to the UN High Commission on Human Rights to recognize and address the plight of children in the Fukushima region.

Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear will describe the U.S. “Freeze our Fukushimas” campaign, a first step in shutting down US reactors identical to those at Fukushima-Daiichi units 1-4 as part of a goal to phase out operation at all 104 US reactors.

The event is co-sponsored by: Abolition 2000 NY Metro ■ American Friends Service Committee ■ Beyond Nuclear ■ Fukushima Network for Saving Children from Radiation ■ Granny Peace Brigade ■ Green Action ■ Nuclear Age Peace Foundation ■ Peace Action International, CT ■ Physicians for Social Responsibility, NY ■ Shut Down Indian Point Now ■ Shut Tomari ■ Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

Download event flyer (PDF)

Please join us with online petition regarding the Japanese Government policy of promoting exports of nuclear power plants!

To sign-on the petition, please see the link below.

Best regards,

Eri Watanabe
Friends of the Earth Japan

*1st Deadline
September 9th 2011

*Online form

Friends of the Earth Japan
Email: finance@foejapan.org
August 31, 2011

Urgent International Petition

Yoshihiko Noda, Prime Minister
Minister of Finance
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Japanese Government Should Immediately Abandon its Policy of Promoting Exports of Nuclear Power Plants

It Should Take the Lead in Phasing Out Nuclear Energy Worldwide

*Our Demands
We strongly urge the Japanese government to take the following action:

  • To immediately abandon its policy of promoting exports of nuclear power plants;
  • To cancel all existing plans to export nuclear power plants;
  • To take the lead in realizing a worldwide phase out of nuclear power.
  • *Rationale

    As a result of the March 11 th 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and the tsunami that followed, a major accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant caused massive radiation leaks into the environment. The accident still has not been brought under control and radiation leaks continue to contaminate Fukushima , and a huge area including the Tohoku (Northeastern) and Kanto (Eastern) regions of Japan , as well as the world’s marine environment.

    Despite the experience of the accidents at the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plants, we were unable to prevent the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Even small doses of radiation cause damage to genes. In particular, the greatest danger is to children and pregnant women, who hold the fate of the next generation in their hands. It is now obvious that nuclear power and human beings cannot co-exist. While the people of Fukushima and others continue to suffer as a result of the accident, we believe that international society should stand by those affected, broaden the circle of support and, for the sake of future generations, together seek a worldwide phase out of nuclear energy.

    The Japanese government has been proud of Japan ’s technological prowess. However, the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has proven that technology cannot prevent severe accidents. After the accident, the former Prime Minister, Naoto Kan , proposed phasing out nuclear energy and the Japanese government declared its intention of reviewing national nuclear energy policy. The government stated, “While conducting a thorough review of the causes of the accident, taking into account the views of all sectors of the public, the government will advance the consideration of future energy policy, including whether to build new reactors.” (July 1 Cabinet Decision).

    However, regarding the export of nuclear power plants, on August 5 th the Japanese government approved a cabinet decision indicating a continuation of its policy of exporting nuclear power plants. The cabinet decision declared, “Importing countries are primarily responsible for assurance of the safety of nuclear power plants” and “If other countries desire to adopt Japanese nuclear power technology, bearing in mind recipient countries’ wishes, we believe we should provide those with the highest safety standard in the world.” Without completing the review of the causes of the accident and without conducting sufficient nation-wide debate, the Japanese government’s promotion of nuclear exports is clearly a double standard and a mistake. Furthermore, it is unethical for the Japanese government to continue to export nuclear power plants when the accident has not been brought under control and many people still live under very difficult circumstances, lacking adequate support. Indeed, it could even lead to the expansion and spread of devastation.

    It is also clear that, without even including the cost of responding to accidents, the cost of nuclear power is enormous. To export nuclear power plants is to impose that cost on ordinary people in the importing country. From the perspective of business or international cooperation, promoting technology for energy saving and renewable energy is more promising than nuclear power.

    Japan experienced nuclear devastation from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , and also from the Fukushima nuclear accident. We sincerely hope that the government of Japan will lead the way to a worldwide phase out of nuclear energy and show an example of building a sustainable and peaceful society that is not dependent on nuclear power, so that human beings need never again suffer a catastrophe caused by nuclear power.


    *Sponsoring organizations
    Friends of the Earth Japan
    Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES)
    Network for Indonesian Democracy Japan
    The Takagi Fund for Citizen Science
    Mekong Watch
    Citizen’s Nuclear Information Center
    Green Action

    Press Release: Japanese Utility Still Committed to New Nuclear Reactors

    2 June 2011
    To: Foreign Media in Japan

    Japanese Utility Still Committed to New Nuclear Reactors

    Amid calls to halt all nuclear development in Japan, following the unprecedented disaster in Fukushima, Hiroshima-based utility Chugoku Electric is pushing ahead with a total of three new nuclear reactors in Matsue and Kaminoseki, the latter despite three decades of opposition by local island residents, and recent warnings on the need to safeguard biodiversity in Kaminoseki’s “Kiseki-no-Umi” – “Sea of Miracles.”

    Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc. (head office, Hiroshima city) has a new reactor (No. 3) nearing completion at the Shimane Power Plant, close by Matsue city. Two more reactors are planned for the new Kaminoseki Nuclear Power Plant, located on the Seto Inland Sea coast 70 km south-west of Hiroshima, a project which has been actively opposed by nearby islanders for the last 30 years.
    Iwaishima is a small island 3.5 km offshore from the site of the plant. Its residents, mostly grandmothers and grandfathers now, have refused to accept 1 billion yen as compensation. In weekly protest demonstrations, they have used their boats and their own bodies to try to block construction. Many young people from around Japan have come to support them, including a kayak team working with the local people trying to prevent planned landfill from proceeding. The company has retaliated by obtaining a Supreme Court ruling setting a penalty of 5 million yen per day if work is obstructed.
    International academics and scientists have expressed deep concern over the plant’s threat to the biodiversity of the nearby sea, and recent documentaries have depicted the islanders’ hard-fought campaign against the plant, and highlighted the island’s beautiful environment.
    On March 17th, the governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture requested Chugoku Electric to temporarily suspend the project. However, parties opposed to the construction of Kaminoseki Nuclear Power Plant demand its complete termination. The triple meltdown and resulting emissions of high levels of radioactivity into the air, land and ocean in Fukushima has proved beyond doubt that the safety of nuclear power cannot be guaranteed, and its threat to the environment cannot be ignored.
    The grandfathers and grandmothers of Iwaishima are not interested in the company’s promises of safety and financial prosperity. They understand real wealth. All that they want is to pass on to their successors the traditional cultural heritage and unspoilt natural environment that they have known all their lives. They want the Kaminoseki Nuclear Plant project terminated, permanently.

    ■Information available in English
    ●Chugoku Electric Power
    (Head Office)
    4-33 Komachi,Naka-ku,Hiroshima-shi,Hiroshima
    Tel: +81-82-241-0211 Fax: +81-82-523-6185
    ★General meeting of stockholders is scheduled for June 29, 2011. Local citizen’s organizations (“Iwaijima-citizens against building the Kaminoseki Nuclear Power Plant ” and “the Anti-Nuclear Citizens of Kaminoseki”) along with the anti-nuclear shareholders of the Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc. have been organizing sit-ins in front of the Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc. headquarters building and writing up appeals to the shareholders every year.
    ●English leaflet from Iwaishima islanders
    “No Nuclear Power Plant in Our Community! Iwaishima says no to nuclear power”
    ●Kaminoseki: Nuclear Power Plant, Human Rights and Biodiversity
    English Blog by ANKEI Yuji, Professor of area studies in Yamaguchi Prefectural University. Head of the Comittee for Conservation of Kaminoseki Biodiversity, Ecological Society of Japan. A member of the Amnesty International. Sc. D., Ecological Anthropologist.
    ●Recent blog post at Ten Thousand Things
    “Amidst hopeful signs, activists continue impassioned efforts to stop nuclear power plant in gorgeous Seto Inland Sea”
    ●Recent news article in Japan Times
    May 15, 2011 “Utility and opponents lock horns over planned N-plant”
    ●Recent news article in LA Times
    May 5, 2011 “Japan islanders oppose proposed nuclear plant, year after year“
    ●Recent article in Yale Environment 360
    17 Mar, 2011 “Japan’s Once-Powerful Nuclear Industry is Under Siege”
    ●CNIC Newsletter

    ■Recent Movies on Iwaishima
    ●”Houri no Shima (HOLY ISLAND)”
    Director: HANABUSA Aya
    2010/JAPAN/105 minutes
    English page: http://www.hourinoshima.com/english/
    Trailer: http://www.hourinoshima.com/予告編/
    ★HANABUSA Aya and KOIDE Hiroaki, Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, will hold a seminar on June 11 in Kobe.
    ●”Ashes to Honey: Toward a Sustainable Future” (2010)
    Director KAMANAKA Hitomi
    Trailer: http://888earth.net/888tv.html
    from same director
    “Rokkasho Rhapsody” (2006)
    Trailer: http://www.rokkasho-rhapsody.com/en/_preview/trailers
    ■Main Information in Japanese
    ●祝島島民の会blog (Blog of Iwaishima Islanders)
    ★The list of movie clips of protest movements
    ●Nuclear reactors under construction / plan on Chugoku Electric Power website (Japanese only)
    島根原子力発電所3号機(建設中 営業運転開始 平成24年3月予定)
    ●長島の自然を守る会 (Association to Protect the Nature of Nagashima)
    ●カンムリウミスズメ国際シンポジウム (International Conference on Japanese Murrelets, April 10, 2011 at Hiroshima)

    Japanese Utility Still Committed to New Nuclear Reactors

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