Letter to AREVA Japan Calling for Disclosure of MOX Fuel Quality Control Data, 2016-01-28

Frédéric Patalagoity, President and Managing Director AREVA Japan Urban Toranomon, Bld 5F 1-16-4 Toranomon, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0001 Japan January 28th 2016 Dear Frédéric Patalagoity, We are writing to you to outline our concerns with the production standards, quality control and, ultimately, safety of AREVA plutonium MOX fuel produced for Japanese utilities. Specifically the planned use of 30 MOX assemblies in the Takahama reactor units 3&4, owned by Kansai Electric. As you will be aware it is fifteen years since the poor quality control and production standards of plutonium MOX fuel was first disclosed in the case of 8 MOX fuel assemblies manufactured by the then British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL) … Continue reading Letter to AREVA Japan Calling for Disclosure of MOX Fuel Quality Control Data, 2016-01-28