Radioactive Discharges into the Pacific from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Site

Radioactive Discharges into the Pacific from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Site

On 8 August, NGOs and Diet members held a meeting with the Japanese government concerning the radioactive discharges into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Daiichi site. The meeting was held in Tokyo at the Upper House Diet Office Building.

The government says it will assign a budget to deal with this problem, but it’s for the next fiscal year, plus, the countermeasures are grossly insufficient.

What was revealed at yesterday’s meeting….

It became evident that it’s unclear which government entity is responsible for and in charge of the radioactive water discharge into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. METI’s Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) and the NRA (Nuclear Regulation Authority) are the entities involved, but none of the ANRE and NRA bureaucrats knew who was in charge.

It became evident that the bulk of the time being spent by the Nuclear Regulation Authority/ Nuclear Regulatory Agency is for restarting Japanese nuclear power plants. Compared to that, the time spent on dealing with the Fukushima accident, particularly the problem of the radioactive discharges into the marine environment is minimal. Just for the Ohi Units 3 and 4 nuclear power plant review (Apri 19th through June 24th), the NRA undertook 14 hearings that were public (plus 94 meetings behind closed doors) whereas, depending on how it’s counted, only 2 to 6 hearings for the radioactive marine discharge issue. And, it’s while the Ohi hearings were ongoing that the unmonitored leaks were occurring.

The government was not aware that Tepco was not issuing monitoring data for measuring levels of radiation of the underground water discharge into the marine environment at Fukushima Daiichi between December 2012 and May of 2013. When asked why they had not notice the lack of information, they could not answer.

ANRE’s meeting are held behind closed doors. All 3 meetings held by the contaminated water countermeasures committee have been behind closed doors with business contractors.

Hundreds of tons of groundwater from the environment had to be dealt with daily at the Fukushima Daiichi site before 3.11. (This goes for other nuclear power plants also.) This of course did not change after 3.11. However, measures to take care of the groundwater properly were not undertaken. The government should have known that this would lead to problems. The government also should have known that the subsequent building of a seawall to address discharges into the marine environment would not solve the problem. In other words it would only lead to the water overflowing into the marine environment.

The source of the radioactive leaks has not been tracked down. It could very well mean the water is coming from cracks created in and along pipes, walls, equipment underground, cracks and breakage that occurred due to the earthquake. If this were the case, it means a generic assessment of the implication of earthquakes on equipment above and below ground must be undertaken for all plants in Japan. Right now the government considers the Fukushima Daiichi accident to have been caused as a result of the tsunami, not the earthquake motion preceding it. If the earthquake caused damage, it has significant implications for restart of nuclear power in Japan.

The meeting with the Japanese government was organized by Green Action, FoE Japan, Mihama-no-Kai, a network of Fukushima citizens, Fukuro-no-Kai, Greenpeace Japan, the Surfriders Foundation of Japan, etc. The government officials were from the Nuclear Regulatory Agency, METI’s Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).

Japanese URL for the 8 August materials including petition and list of questions to the government:

U-stream of the meeting with the government:
(Starts at 40 minutes into the video)

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) Subverts Own Post-Fukushima Safety Rules Allows Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 & 4 ‘s Continued Operation

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA)
Subverts Own Post-Fukushima Safety Rules
Allows Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 & 4 ‘s Continued Operation

For immediate release: 3 July 2013
Contact: Aileen Mioko Smith (Tel: +81-90-3620-9251)

Kyoto, Japan—-The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) today approved continued operation of Kansai Electric’s Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 and 4 located in Fukui Prefecture even though it is the first to admit the two plants do not meet new post-Fukushima regulatory standards. The standards will take effect Monday, 8 July.

“The NRA has taken the lead in ignoring compliance with its new nuclear regulatory rules which have been created to apply the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident, thus setting a dangerous precedent for ‘bending the rules’ and repeating the Fukushima accident,” stated Aileen Mioko Smith, executive director of Green Action.

Under the new regulations, electric utilities cannot apply for a restart if any active fault investigation is being carried out on site. The Ohi Units 3 and 4 site is currently being investigated for an active earthquake fault. The Ohi units, therefore, do not pass even application requirements for restart under the new regulation. The NRA decision today will allow the units to operate until their September maintenance shutdown. The NRA says it did not review the on-site active earthquake fault issue at this time because “there wasn’t enough time to do it.”

As for tsunami requirements, the NRA committee members admit the Ohi units “do not meet the new standards.”

In recent years, new evidence has shown that two earthquake faults FoB and FoA running close to the plant may be connected to the nearby Kumagawa fault. Although the NRA stated the utility must look into what will happen if these three earthquake faults move in unison, its method of review was even less rigid than the pre-Fukushima accident method utilized by its predecessor to review the FoB/FoA joint movement.

The NRA also didn’t ask for the basis for the utility’s claim that the control rods which are used to stop the reactors in the event of an accident will insert within the required time. Its predecessor required this type of information. (Kansai Electric claims, without substantiation, that the control rods will insert faster with the longer earthquake fault movement.) Is the NRA really a better regulator than the one Japan had before the Fukushima disaster?

There are other serious problems with Ohi Units 3 and 4. The new regulations require plants to have in place a seismic-isolated building to cope with a severe accident, or an alternative if construction of the seismic-isolated building is not complete. Such a facility proved crucial during the Fukushima Daiichi accident. Ohi’s building will not be completed until 2015. The “alternative” approved by the NRA is a conference room adjoining the Ohi Units 1 and 2 control room. On 21 June, the Nuclear Regulation Agency admitted that this Ohi conference room is not earthquake resistant. The NRA also assumes Ohi Units 1 and 2 will not be facing a crisis of their own in the event of such an earthquake and accident.

The Ohi Units 3 and 4 Review undertaken by the NRA was done mostly in secret with the utility, Kansai Electric. Although the public review meetings were U-streamed, the NRA and Nuclear Regulatory Agency also met with Kansai Electric 80 times behind closed doors. The substantive contents of these meetings remain secret. At the start of the Review, the NRA made strong statements, but as the Review progressed, it turned around completely to favor the utility. At the end the NRA’s main argument for allowing the units to operate was, “There will be no serious safety problem that will occur immediately.”

The NRA claims it will not make Ohi Units 3 and 4 an exception to the rule. With four Japanese utilities scheduled to apply for restart of a dozen plants on 8 July, the NRA’s approval of Ohi’s continued operation today, albeit until its September maintenance shutdown, does not bode well.

Download: Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) Subverts Own Post-Fukushima Safety Rules Allows Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 & 4 ‘s Continued Operation

MOX (mixed plutonium uranium) Fuel Shipment Arrives in Japan with No End-Use Determined

MOX (mixed plutonium uranium) Fuel Shipment Arrives in Japan with No End-Use Determined

For immediate release: 27 June 2013
27 June 2013, Takahama Town, Fukui Prefecture, Japan—-A shipment of MOX (mixed plutonium and uranium oxide) fuel arrived at Kepco’s Takahama nuclear power plant today located in Fukui Prefecture facing the Japan Sea.

Today’s shipment violates the Japan Atomic Energy Commission’s determination, issued in 2003, requiring utilities to specify the end-use of MOX fuel before it is imported.

Kepco has not been given permission to restart its Takahama nuclear power plant. On top of that, the Japanese Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has not even established post-Fukushima accident regulatory standards for MOX fuel and its use.

According to the IAEA, unirradiated MOX fuel is direct-use nuclear weapons material. This shipment adds yet another 900kg (approx.) to the already 960kg of unused plutonium in MOX fuel located at 5 nuclear power plants in Japan.

As of today, over 70 nations have opposed MOX fuel shipments and past shipments of separated plutonium. Japan, the UK, and France have neglected to undertake an environmental impact assessment on Japanese nuclear shipments. Furthermore, no compensation plan exists for damages in the event of an accident, and emergency planning is grossly inadequate.

Many Japanese prefectures are also on the shipment route. Citizens of local governments which face the Japan Sea have petitioned Kepco and the Japanese government for information on emergency planning and compensation for damages in the event of such an accident.

On 26 June, the Joint Action for Nuclear Free Korea composed of 78 groups including the nationwide Korean Federation of Environmental Movement (KFEM) issued a statement opposing the MOX shipment.

“”Crucial quality control data for the MOX fuel has not been released by the fabricator of the fuel, the French company Areva SA. Not even Kepco, its client, has been given details on the kind of impurities in the fuel and other important data that could affect the fuel safety. The French nuclear authority’s remit does not include checking the quality of foreign fuel. Therefore, only Areva is privy to that information” stated Aileen Mioko Smith, executive director of Green Action.

12, April 2013
Joint letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry regarding MOX fuel shipment to Japan
5 March 2013
Letters sent to countries potentially on the route of the MOX fuel shipment

Download: MOX (mixed plutonium uranium) Fuel Shipment Arrives in Japan with No End-Use Determined (PDF)

Japan’s Two Operating Reactors won’t meet New Post-Fukushima Standards – Will the Nuclear Regulation Authority Still Allow Them to Operate?

Japan’s Two Operating Reactors won’t meet New Post-Fukushima Standards
Will the Nuclear Regulation Authority Still Allow Them to Operate?

For immediate release: 19 June 2013
Contact: Aileen Mioko Smith

Kyoto, Japan—-The Nuclear Regulation Authority today approved new post-Fukushima regulatory standards. The standards will now be sent to the Cabinet for approval. They are scheduled to take effect on 8 July.

Will the NRA ignore compliance with its new standards from day one by allowing the two currently operating nuclear reactors in Japan, Ohi Units 3 and 4 to continue to operate, thus setting the precedent for further non-compliance?

At issue is whether Japan has learned the lessons of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident and whether Japan’s nuclear power will really be “the safest in the world” as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe claims.

Japanese NGOs yesterday sent questions to the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) through a House of Councillors Diet member demanding answers on whether the NRA intends to comply with its own new regulatory standards. The questions are to be answered by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency on Friday, 21 June. (See below for English translation of the questions and time/location of the meeting.)

The final results of the review on Ohi Units 3 and 4 concerning whether or not these two operating reactors will be allowed to operate after the new regulatory standards take effect will probably be announced at the weekly NRA meeting on Wednesday, 26 June. It has been reported that the NRA will approve the reactors’ continued operation until their scheduled outage in September.

Questions Concerning Compliance of Ohi Units 3 and 4 to New Regulatory Standards

The following questions were submitted on 18 June to the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) via the Mizuho Fukushima Diet office by four NGOs

To the Nuclear Regulation Authority:

1.Concerning the conference room located at Units 1 and 2 which is to serve as the earthquake-resistant control room for Ohi Units 3 and 4
The earthquake-resistant control room for Ohi Units 3 and 4 (maximum capacity 1000 persons) to be located on the south side of the intake outlet of the Ohi nuclear power plant site will only become operational in the autumn of 2015. In the meantime, Kansai Electric states that it will use a conference room located at the Unit 1 and 2 site.

(1)The conference room at the Unit 1 and 2 site which is to serve as the center for emergency operations in the event of an accident is located right next to Units 3 and 4. Isn’t this too close to be functional? Is it not correct that the earthquake-resistant control room should be located at some distance from the reactors?
(2)The conference room is approximately 105 square meters with capacity for 38 persons. The sole equipment to monitor the state of the Unit 3 and 4 reactors and other equipment under an emergency is one personal computer. Is this sufficient for full emergency response?
(3)The earthquake-resistant control room facility is to be completed around the autumn of 2015. Without such a facility in place, Ohi Units 3 and 4 do not meet the requirement under the new regulatory standard. Is that correct?

2.Concerning the Date of Sea-Wall (Tsunami Breakwater) Completion at Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Site
The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has stated that completion of a sea-wall (tsunami breakwater) is a prerequisite for applying to restart nuclear power plants.
The breakwater for the Ohi site is not scheduled for completion until March 2014. This means the Ohi plant site does not meet the requirement to apply for restart under the new regulatory standard. Is that correct?

3.Concerning the Investigation of the Shattered Zone (Earthquake Fault) Under the Ohi Nuclear Power Plant
The Nuclear Regulation Authority( NRA) states that nuclear power plant sites currently undergoing investigation of their shattered zones (earthquake faults) are required to have their investigation completed (conclusion reached) before they can apply for permission to restart.
The Ohi F-6 shattered zone (earthquake fault) on-site investigation is still on-going and experts undertaking the investigation have not reached a conclusion. Because of this, is it correct that Ohi does not meet the new safety regulation?

4.Concerning Vent with Filter
The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) states that for PWR’s, completion of a vent with filter is a prerequisite for applying for restarts.
The vent with filter at the Ohi plant will be completed in March of 2016. Because of this, Ohi does not meet the new regulatory standards. Is that correct?

5.Concerning Basic Earthquake Ground Motion
The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has sought that Kansai Electric “establish a earthquake motion based on 3 earthquake faults interacting.” However, Kansai Electric continues to use as reference the basic earthquake ground motion based on 2 earthquake faults interacting and stated a 3-earthquake fault analysis was only “just in case.” The utility came out with a new (self-created) category called “earthquake ground motion for the purpose of the review.”

Since Kansai Electric refuses to meet the demand of the Nuclear Regulation Authority to establish a basic earthquake ground motion based on a 3-earthquake fault interaction, this means it does not meet the new regulatory standards. Is that correct?

6.The Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 & 4 do not meet the new regulatory standards, the NRA should therefore require them to be shut down
It cannot be said that the Ohi nuclear power plant meets the new regulatory standards when it does not even meet the demands made by the NRA as indicated above. Because of this, should not the NRA demand that the Ohi Nuclear Power Plant site immediately cease operations?

The above questions were submitted by:
Green Action
Lawsuit Group to Shut Down the Ohi Nuclear Power Plant
The Nuclear Regulation Authority Citizen Watchdog

For Japanese original of questions see:

Download: Japan’s Two Operating Reactors won’t meet New Post-Fukushima Standards
Will the Nuclear Regulation Authority Still Allow Them to Operate?

Is Japan headed for another Fukushima? Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority Capitulates to Electric Utility on Earthquake Assessment

Is Japan headed for another Fukushima?

Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority Capitulates to
Electric Utility on Earthquake Assessment

For immediate release
Contact: Aileen Mioko Smith +81-90-3620-9251

10 June 2013, Kyoto, Japan—-Today, Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA), in a complete about-face, yielded to Kansai Electric, the second largest utility in Japan at an NRA hearing assessing whether or not the only two nuclear power plants operating in Japan today, Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Units 3 and 4 would be allowed to operate after new regulatory standards come into force 17 July.

NRA’s “Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Status Assessment Hearing” (Ohi Genpatsu no Genjo ni Kansuru Hyohka Kaigo) began on 19 April with the NRA requiring Kansai Electric to assess the earthquake motion that would occur at the Ohi plant when three earthquake fault lines located in close proximity to the plant would shift in unison, causing over 80 kilometers of earthquake fault to move. This signified that the plants would have to withstand a much more violent earthquake that they had been previously assessed to withstand with only two of the faults shifting in unison. The three-fault assessment was being demanded by the NRA based on the lessons learned from Fukushima where multiple faults moved in unison.

Today, however, the NRA made no objection when Kansai Electric blatantly ignored the NRA’s demands for a full three earthquake fault assessment, taking into consideration evidence that the earthquake would shift not only horizontally but vertically and placing the asperity* under the plant. Kansai Electric ignored all significant demands of the NRA, yet the NRA remained silent, behaving totally differently from its attitude in previous hearings. Instead, at the conclusion of today’s hearing, the Nuclear Regulatory Agency declared that tomorrow’s hearing will proceed with assessing the plant facility because “we are running out of time.” The assessment will no doubt be based on Kansai Electric’s preferred earthquake motion description as given by the utility today.

Six Japanese NGOs including “Green Action”, “Mihama-no-Kai” and the “The Nuclear Regulatory Authority Citizen Watchdog” issued a statement protesting today’s hearing. The statement (in Japanese) can be found at:

Download: Is Japan headed for another Fukushima? Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority Capitulates to Electric Utility on Earthquake Assessment (PDF)

Japanese court rejects plaintiff demand to shut down Ohi Units 3 and 4

Japanese court rejects plaintiff demand to shut down Ohi Units 3 and 4

Plaintiffs will immediately appeal ruling

Court recognizes interaction of 3 earthquake faults near Ohi
but declares Ohi prima facie safe (safe for now unless proven otherwise)

Court states there is no legal time limit for shutting down reactors
in the event of an accident/earthquake

Press Release
For Immediate Release (Kyoto, Japan): 16 April 2013
Contact: Aileen Mioko Smith +81-90-3620-9251 (co-lead plaintiff)
For Japanese statement issued by plaintiffs’ group see:

The judgment in the legal case against the only two nuclear power plants currently operating in Japan, Ohi Nuclear Power Station Units 3 and 4, owned and operated by Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. (KEPCO), was handed down today by the Osaka District Court, rejecting the plaintiffs’ demand for a provisional disposition (injunction) to shut the plants down.

The legal judgment today is the first civil court ruling on nuclear power operation since the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident.

Ohi Units 3 and 4 are currently operating without new post-Fukushima standards in place.

There are three active earthquake faults in close proximity to the Ohi nuclear power plant site and numerous shattered zones (earthquake faults) directly under the site, one being suspected to be an active fault. An expert investigation is still in progress. Pre-Fukushima seismic safety standards do not allow for nuclear facilities above suspected active faults.

Plaintiffs have decided to immediately appeal the ruling.

The court, although recognizing the necessity to consider safety issues if the 3 earthquake faults very close to Ohi interconnect, declared the following:

  • There is no legal regulatory limit for shutting down reactors (regulation for control rod insertion time), and the 2.2 seconds specified in the licensing permit is only a value for the purpose of undertaking safety analyses.
  • Ohi is prima facie safe (safe until proven otherwise).
  • There is a high probability that the movement of the ground under Ohi where many earthquake faults exist was caused by a landslide and not an earthquake
  • “The court ruling is stating there is no legal requirement in Japan to meet the first golden rule of nuclear safety, the ability to shut down a reactor within the required time in the event of an accident/earthquake. This is not true. Ohi received its licensing permit on the premise that it met this shut down time limit. The Fukushima Daiichi accident would have been much worse if the reactors had not shut down properly on 11 March 2011. It’s a travesty that after Fukushima, a court would say that Ohi is prima facie safe until it’s proven otherwise,” stated Aileen Mioko Smith , executive director of Green Action and co-lead plaintiff of the lawsuit.

    The lawsuit, which sought a provisional disposition to shut down Ohi Units 3 and 4, was filed in Osaka District Court on 12 March 2012 by 262 residents of Fukui, Gifu and six other prefectures in the Kansai region.

    For more details on the lawsuit see:
    Will Japan Repeat the Fukushima Disaster?
    Lawsuit* Verdict This Week May Provide Answer

    For technical details on the lawsuit see:
    The points of issue in the legal case against Kansai Electric Power
    Co., Inc. (KEPCO) by citizens seeking a provisional disposition
    (injunction) to stop the operation of Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 & 4

    U-Stream at courthouse (16 April)
    In Japanese:

    Joint letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry regarding MOX fuel shipment to Japan

    Joint letter signed by U.S., Japanese, and Korean NGOs urging the U.S. to suspend consent for the transport of over 900kg of plutonium through the East Sea/Japan Sea to Kansai Electric’s Takahama nuclear power plant. The shipment is MOX (plutonium uranium) fuel reported to be leaving Cherbourg, France the week of April 14th. Kansai Electric has stated it is as yet undetermined whether the fuel will be used.

    April 12th 2013

    Dear Secretary of State John Kerry:

    cc: senior State Department staff, Senate Foreign Relations/House Foreign Affairs

    We are writing to you to express our concern at plans by the United Kingdom, France and Japan to resume shipments of weapons-usable plutonium to Japan. The shipment has direct implications for the effectiveness of U.S. non-proliferation and security policies at a time when tensions in Northeast Asia are rising. Therefore we believe there is every need for U.S. consent for this shipment to be suspended.

    We understand that during the week of April 14th a cargo of 20 plutonium Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies, manufactured in France by AREVA and containing in excess of 900 kilograms of weapons-usable plutonium, will be loaded on to one of the UK- flagged armed freighters Pacific Egret or Pacific Heron, in the port of Cherbourg, France. The shipment will then depart for the nuclear reactor port at Takahama in western Japan.

    Our concerns over this shipment, the first since the devastating Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in March 2011, include the following:

    • No demand for plutonium fuel in Japan , no possibility for its use now, utility admits it is undetermined whether or not the fuel to be transported will be used ;
    • Japan continuing to acquire, stockpile and attempt to scale up its use of weapons-usable plutonium, including efforts to start-up and operate the Rokkasho reprocessing plant;
    • A flawed U.S. policy of supporting Japan’s plutonium program which does not contribute to, but on the contrary distracts from stabilizing on-going non-proliferation efforts in East Asia;
    • Japan’s program and its U.S. support undermining on-going U.S. Republic of Korea (ROK) Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (123) negotiations, including encouraging ROK to seek reprocessing and separated plutonium;
    • The impact of the shipment on exacerbating further tensions on the Korean Peninsula and in the East Sea/Sea of Japan, particularly in relation to the nuclear program of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK); and,
    • Inadequate transport security plan, including for passage through the Korea Strait.

    As the U.S. State Department and associated agencies review and sign off on the security plan for shipments of plutonium from Europe to Japan, we urge you to immediately undertake the following actions:

    • conduct a new risk assessment on both the demand in Japan for such plutonium and the risks of shipping weapons-usable plutonium through the Korea Strait at this time;
    • inform Japan and France that U.S. consent has been suspended pending an updated review;
    • inform the U.S. Congress that the State Department is conducting a new risk assessment and that consent has been suspended; and finally,
    • initiate a wide-ranging U.S. review of its policy concerning Japan’s reprocessing and plutonium-use program, which has resulted in Japan acquiring stocks of over 44,000 kg of weapons-usable plutonium with no practical peaceful use; and,
    • no amendment to ROK-U.S 123 Agreement permitting development of reprocessing or enrichment program by the Republic of Korea.

    Download: Joint letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry regarding MOX fuel shipment to Japan

    The points of issue in the legal case against Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. (KEPCO) by citizens seeking a provisional disposition (injunction) to stop the operation of Ohi Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3 & 4

    This is an English translation of the key technical arguments of plaintiffs and defendant in the first court ruling to be handed down concerning the safety of Japanese operating nuclear power plants since the March 11th 2011 Fukushima Daiichi accident.
    The ruling is expected the week of 8 April. For an overview, arguments up to the closing of the case, and the implications of this lawsuit to nuclear power in Japan see:


    [English translation issued by Mihama-no-Kai and Green Action / 5 April 2013]

    [Notes concerning this translation: The text below describes the basic legal arguments of the plaintiffs and defendant. The verdict is expected the first part of April 2013. (The judge closed the case on 29 January and stated the decision would be handed down the end of March or beginning of April.)]

    Original Japanese text:

    This translation is issued by:
    Green Action
    Suite 103, 22-75 Tanaka Sekiden-cho Sakyo-ku Kyoto 606-8203 Japan
    Tel: 075-701-7223 Fax 075-702-1952 E-mail:
    Osaka Citizens Against the Mihama, Oi and Takahama Nuclear Power Plants (Mihama-no-Kai)
    Seiko Building 3rd Floor 4-3-3 Nishi Tenma Kita-ku Osaka 530-0047 Japan
    Tel: 06-6367-6580 Fax: 06-6367-6581 E-mail:

    Will Japan Repeat the Fukushima Disaster? Lawsuit* Verdict This Week May Provide Answer

    Will Japan Repeat the Fukushima Disaster?
    Lawsuit* Verdict This Week May Provide Answer

    *Lawsuit seeking an injunction to shut down the only two nuclear power plants operating in Japan today,
    Kansai Electric’s Ohi Units 3 and 4

    Media Briefing Paper
    For Immediate Release: 3 April 2013
    Kyoto, Japan
    Contact: Aileen Mioko Smith +81-90-3620-9251 (co-lead plaintiff)

    Verdict to be Handed Down Early April
    The judgment in the legal case against the only two nuclear power plants operating currently in Japan, Ohi Nuclear Power Station Units 3 and 4 owned and operated by Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. (KEPCO), is expected this week (4 April ~ 5 April.) It will be the first court ruling on nuclear power operation since the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident and could mark an important crossroads for nuclear power in Japan.

    There are three active earthquake faults in close proximity to the Ohi nuclear power plant site and numerous shattered zones (earthquake faults) directly under the site. One of the shattered zones, the F-6 fault, is suspected of being active and is currently under investigation.

    This lawsuit seeking a provisional disposition to shut Ohi Units 3 and 4 down was filed in Osaka District Court on 12 March 2012 by 262 residents of Fukui, Gifu and six other prefectures in the Kansai region. If the plaintiffs win, or, if the verdict indicates that the two reactors do not meet the government standard for reactor shutdown time in the event of an earthquake, it could have wide repercussions for restarts of reactors in Japan.

    Earthquake-plagued Japan built 54 nuclear power plants in spite of citizen opposition and warnings by scientists. The Chuetsu Oki Earthquake which hit Tokyo Electric’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Plant in Niigata in July 2007 may have been the last warning, but it was not heeded. Then on 11 March 2011, the Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake occurred, resulting in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident.

    The Fukushima disaster re-defined nuclear power safety in Japan. The country’s nuclear power safety regulations had to be revamped and new regulations put in place. Reactors went offline for periodic maintenance and, without new safety standards in place, were not restarted. On 5 May 2012, the last operating plant was shut down and Japan had zero nuclear power plants in operation.

    On 16 June 2012, the Noda Democratic Party government made an exception and approved restart of Kansai Electric’s Ohi Units 3 and 4 in Fukui Prefecture, stating that there would be a danger of electricity shortage (planned blackout) during the summer of 2012 in the Kansai region if the reactors were not put back on line. Prime Minister Noda stated that the restart was necessary to “protect the livelihood of the nation’s citizens, protect the economy.”

    The government approved restart of the two reactors by having them pass stress tests (with significant exemptions) and by having four ministers of the government approve the restart. Prime Minister Noda stated, “I am doing this on my own responsibility.” Ohi Units 3 and 4 resumed commercial operation on 3 and 16 August 2012, respectively, without new post-Fukushima safety regulations in place.

    Earlier, on 1 June 2012, when restart of Ohi Units 3 and 4 was being deliberated, Green Action and Mihama-no-Kai issued a paper stating that one of the shattered zones (earthquake faults) under the site, the F-6 shattered zone, may be an active fault and should be examined. Seismic safety guidance issued before the Fukushima accident on 20 December 2010 appended to revised seismic guidelines issued in 2006 do not allow a reactor site to operate if existence of an active fault is suspected under an important facility at the site. (The emergency coolant pipe for Units 3 and 4 crosses over F-6, the suspected active fault.) Later the same day (1 June), Mitsuhisa Watanabe of Toyo University in Tokyo, an expert on tectonic geomorphology issued a statement corroborating the two citizen organizations’ paper.

    Citizens and NGOs including Green Action and Mihama-no-Kai petitioned the government for an investigation under the Ohi site to be undertaken, but the Noda government went ahead with restart approval. National protest continued. In the meantime, on 12 July, 108 members of the National Diet of Japan petitioned Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry minister Yukio Edano to initiate an investigation . On 19 July, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) instructed KEPCO to reinvestigate the site. Subsequently on 17 October, the newly formed Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) announced the members of the NRA investigation committee, and the first site investigation followed on 2 November. The committee is headed by Dr. Kunihiko Shimazaki, Deputy Chairman of the NRA and includes Dr. Mitsuhisa Watanabe. The investigation continues with KEPCO instructed to dig yet another trench to further investigate the F-6 fault..

    It is worthy to note that although there is a difference of opinion as to whether or not the movement under the Ohi site might have been caused by a landslide (rather than an earthquake), none of the experts have concluded that F-6 is an inactive fault. A fault being active on site is significant because it is not just about earthquake oscillation, but the ground under the facility shifting and rupturing, resulting in breakage of the facility.

    The current court case centers around the licensing permit for Ohi Units 3 and 4 which requires that the control rods be able to be inserted into the reactor fuel assembly within 2.2 seconds. There are three active faults very close to the Ohi power plant: Kumagawa, FoA and FoB. The current seismic design of the plant is based on an earthquake forecast assessment of 700 gal basic earthquake ground motion which would occur under the Ohi plant site if the two active faults FoA and FoB interact. The assessment time is 2.16 seconds, allowing only a 2% margin before the 2.2-second limit.

    On 27 January 2012, as a result of the 11 March 2011 Tohoku Region Pacific Coast Earthquake , the government instructed KEPCO to look into the need for assessing the seismic motion if interconnection occurred between the three faults (Kumagawa, FoA and FoB). KEPCO submitted a seismic analysis on 29 February which it called a “just in case” analysis because, according to KEPCO, the interaction could not occur. KEPCO’s analysis stated that the maximum seismic motion obtained when 9 cases of a three-fault interaction were analyzed at 0.02 seconds frequency was 760 gals.

    On 13 March 2012, NISA reported to the Nuclear Safety Commission’s committee deliberating the stress test for nuclear power plants that it had heard from KEPCO that, as a result of using a different analytical method, the control rod insertion time when the two faults FoB and FoA interconnect (causing 700 gal seismic motion) is not 2.16 seconds but rather, 1.88 seconds, even though this analysis had not been submitted formally to the government. NISA also stated, when reporting on KEPCO’s Ohi stress test results that control rods at Ohi could be inserted “within about 2.2 seconds” even at 1560 gals.

    After the 11 March earthquake, the Kan Democratic government had issued a requirement that nuclear power plants pass stress tests before being able to restart. It is worthy to note that when KEPCO submitted its stress test report to the government in October 2011, it had excluded control rod insertion time in the category of items to undertake stress tests.

    The Noda government allowed Ohi Units 3 and 4 to restart without properly addressing the issue of control rod insertion time if the three active earthquake faults close to the Ohi plant site interact.

    Ohi Units 3 and 4 ― Current Status on Eve of Lawsuit Verdict
    ・On 19 March 2013, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority announced Ohi Units 3 and 4 would be exempt during this operating period from meeting the requirements to apply for and pass the new safety regulations that will come into effect in July 2013. The reactors would be allowed to continue operation until they shut down for their periodic maintenance in September, if they pass certain NRA checks.
    ・Ohi Units 3 and 4 continue to operate in violation of seismic safety rules which were issued 20 December 2010 before the Fukushima accident.

    The Key Legal Arguments of Plaintiffs and Defendant
    Plaintiffs argue that Ohi Units 3 and 4 do not meet the government standard for control rod insertion time for shutting the reactors down in the event of an earthquake. Since they do not meet this requirement to assure safe shutdown of the reactors, government regulation requires that the reactors not be allowed to operate. Plaintiffs state, operating Ohi Units 3 and 4 in violation of the safety standard is a violation of the human rights of the plaintiffs because it could lead to a disastrous accident which could result in radiation damage to the plaintiffs.

    In the court case, KEPCO is insisting there is no duty to comply with the 2.2 seconds in the first place because this value is not a “stipulation” but only an “analysis condition.”

    Plaintiffs argue that according to the licensing permit, 2.2 seconds is stipulated as a specification of the control rod drive mechanism which is required to function when a reactor trip signal occurs. The licensing permit was granted using 2.2 seconds as a basis for calculating the overall safety of the plant.

    Plaintiffs also point out that the government’s submission in the administrative lawsuit which plaintiffs have filed against the government clearly states that it contravenes government Technical Standards if control rod insertion time exceeds 2.2 seconds. (The government is also on record on 27 June 2011 stating that the licensing permit issued to KEPCO for Ohi Units 3 and 4 was given on the basis the plant met the 2.2 second standard. )

    During the lawsuit, KEPCO not only argued that as a result of using a different analytical method, the control rod insertion time when FoB and FoA interconnect (causing 700 gal seismic motion) is not 2.16 seconds but 1.88 seconds, it went on to state that its analysis showed that the control rod insertion time for the three faults interlocking (FoB and FoA and Kumagawa) would be 1.83 seconds, making insertion time even shorter than when two faults interconnect.

    The judge noted in court that these KEPCO analyses have not been officially submitted to the government.

    The 2.2-second figure cannot be modified unless it is submitted to the government, the government examines it, and approves the modification.

    Plaintiffs have submitted to the court the evaluation which had been submitted on 13 March 2012 by the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) to the Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC) which states that control rod insertion time increases for the Ohi site in proportion to increased seismic motion.

    KEPCO argues that there would be no harm to plaintiffs even if insertion time were to exceed 2.2 seconds, hence the plaintiffs have no standing. KEPCO asserts that up to 11 seconds will be safe. KEPCO states the 11-second figure is an “acceptance criterion” figure and 2.2 seconds corresponds to a “conservatively evaluated value”. This argument eliminates the safety margin. Moreover, the “accident” used for this analysis was damage to the steam generator tube where other facilities such as the diesel generator or secondary water supply system function fully even with loss of outside power. An earthquake resulting in control rods taking 11 seconds to insert would be a huge earthquake, resulting in extensive damage to the reactor facility. KEPCO’s use of the 11-second figure to argue safety of the Ohi plant indicates it has not learned the lessons of the Fukushima Daiichi accident.

    KEPCO had originally told the presiding judge that the plant could not operate if the assumed insertion time exceeds 2.2 seconds. When asked by the judge about this, KEPCO responded that this 2.2-second insertion time requirement is for accidents and not earthquakes. It states that Article 5 rather than Article 24 of the government’s Technical Standards applies to emergency situations such as an earthquake. Article 5, however, states that insertion times must be considered taking into consideration earthquake and accident factors together, the accident factor’s calculation being based on the seismic design review guidelines. In fact, KEPCO’s figure of 2.16 seconds had been calculated in this way. Nowhere in the government documents does the 2.2-second insertion time stipulation exempt earthquakes.

    KEPCO also argues that even if the three active faults move together resulting in approximately 1000 gal of seismic motion, it would not be a problem because it has been confirmed by experimentation that the fuel rods could be inserted “at around 2.2 seconds” at 1560 gal seismic motion. Plaintiffs reviewed the document KEPCO was referring to, a report issued by the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization (JNES) in 2006, and found the actual figure in the report to be 3.26 seconds, substantively exceeding the 2.2-second requirement.

    Concerning the burden of proof, plaintiffs argue that, according to judicial precedent, with KEPCO arguing that “it has become evident that insertion time within at least around 11 seconds does not cause any danger,” the burden of proof that up to 11 seconds would not cause material damage to the plaintiffs must be borne by KEPCO.

    Concerning the issue of the three active faults interconnecting, it is worth noting that in the court hearing, the presiding judge did not raise the issue of whether or not the three active faults would interact, but rather asked KEPCO questions on the assumption that this interaction would occur.

    Significance of the Case
    It is not yet known how much Japan’s new Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA), created after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, will yield to the nuclear lobby and allow the restart of nuclear power plants in Japan. The Abe government has scrapped the nuclear phase-out debate that had been undertaken by the Democratic Party government administration in the summer of 2012. At the same time, citizens’ voices in support of learning from the lessons of Fukushima are stronger than ever. Today, we are at a crossroad. How effective the courts and citizens will be in this push-pull is now about to be seen.

    Since the upcoming verdict will provide a decision on the first legal case challenging nuclear power plant operation safety since the Fukushima Daiichi accident of 11 March 2011, it will no doubt greatly influence the path Japan will take regarding nuclear power.

    In spite of warnings by scientists as well as citizens and NGOs nationwide, the effects of earthquake faults in the vicinity of nuclear power plants and the resulting seismic motion to the power plant facilities had been under-estimated over the decades before the Fukushima accident by treating these earthquake faults, often in a line and clearly related, as separate faults that could not interconnect. The Fukushima Daiichi accident proved that it had been a mistake to treat these faults separately.

    Inserting the control rods to safely shut down a reactor, cooling the reactor fuel, and containing the radiation are the key elements necessary to prevent disastrous releases of radiation into the environment. At Fukushima Daiichi, the first step of shutting down the reactors succeeded, yet there were disastrous releases of radiation into the environment. The accident would have been far worse had the reactors not been able to shut down. The ability of control rods to be inserted in time to shut the reactor down is crucial to safety.

    This legal case for seeking an injunction to stop Ohi Unit 3 and 4 is addressing this first, critical initial step, the ability to stop the reactor in the event of an earthquake.

    If plaintiffs win and succeed in shutting down Ohi Units 3 and 4, it will be a significant and historic indictment of Japan having moved forward with nuclear power when it is an earthquake-prone archipelago, and, on current nuclear power regulation in Japan. Even if the ruling does not recognize that plaintiffs’ human rights are violated (i.e. judges in favor of the plaintiffs), if the verdict text recognizes that KEPCO is in violation of the 2.2-second reactor shutdown control rod insertion time, it would also be a significant step toward shutting down Ohi Units 3 and 4, and thus helping to lead Japan out of nuclear power.

    This briefing paper was compiled based on documents submitted to the court by the plaintiffs and the defendant (KEPCO).

    See the following site in Japanese for plaintiff court submissions:

    Download: Will Japan Repeat the Fukushima Disaster? Lawsuit Verdict This Week May Provide Answer (PDF)

    Letters sent to countries potentially on the route of the MOX fuel shipment

    Letters sent to countries potentially on the route of the MOX fuel shipment

    This is a follow-up letter to the letter we sent you on 5 March concerning an imminent plutonium shipment (MOX fuel) from France to Japan that may pass by your country.

    The Japanese electric utility Kansai Electric announced in a press release yesterday, 21 March, that it plans to ship MOX fuel from France to Japan. They did not disclose the date. This Kansai Electric press release and the French company AREVA’s announcement on 20 March confirm that the shipment is indeed imminent.

    Our information continues to be that the British flagged transport vessels Pacific Heron and Pacific Egret will arrive from the UK to Cherbourg the first part of April and that the MOX fuel will leave Cherbourg for Japan in April.

    We checked with all the other 8 Japanese electric utilities that have nuclear power plants whether they will be shipping MOX fuel at this time. All clearly stated “no”. This therefore means the shipment will be only Kansai Electric MOX fuel.

    Download: Letters sent to countries potentially on the route of the MOX fuel shipment (PDF)